Working closely with municipal leaders and congress members, it is our mission to help provide a good housing market for the community. Three Rivers helps realtors in the area with a wide, but industry-specific range of services. Our multiple listing service, education programs and extensive political action programs are just a few of the services we provide. Take a look at what our non-profit can offer:
- Speak to and address real estate issues
- Enhance the public image of our members
- Consumer outreach
- Provides opportunity for professional growth and education
- Communicates information to our members to help them succeed in their business activities
- Identifies, anticipates, and addresses economic and marketing trends in the real estate industry
- Works with congress on issues like mortgage interest deduction, flood insurance and all -effect home ownership
- Public relations and government affairs

Three Rivers works with the Illinois Association of Realtors and the National Association of Realtors in an effort to provide members with the tools necessary to remain successful. We aim to enhance the ability and opportunity for realtors to conduct their business successfully, ethically, and to promote the preservation of the right to won, transfer and use real property.
Changes in the real estate industry are ever evolving; let Three Rivers help you navigate your real estate issues and the housing market today! To learn more about Three Rivers Association of Realtors, give us a call at 815-744-4520 or visit